Pioneer work: Supervising osteopathic research at a small osteopathy school in Croatia

The old expression "Necessity is the mother of invention" is very pertinent when you are the only thesis supervisor for 13 students. I would like to share my experiences and some interesting strategies in managing this task at the Akademija Osteopatije in Croatia. One of the most effective strategies was to work with the group as a whole since time management did not allow for too much one on one guidance and supervision. Also, osteopathic research in Croatia is at its inception , so it will be definitely a learning experience for all concerned.
This approach has proven effective in different ways. First, it allowed the students to learn from their fellow students. Secondly, it saved time as I didn't have to repeat the same information more than a few times. I also found there was a better integration of knowledge and the students came up with some of the research strategies themselves. They all benefited from the collective knowledge and helped motivate one another.
With this presentation I would hope to stimulate a discussion and exchange of conventional and nonconventional ideas about supervising students in research.

I'm the director of the academic program, as well as, the primary tutor at Akademija Osteopatije in Velika Gorica, Croatia.
I have been teaching for the College d'etude osteopathique(CEO) for the last 15 years in Canada, Switzerland(SICO) and Germany(DOK).

I graduated from the CEO(Montreal) in 1995 and received a Diploma in Osteopathy (DO, Quebec)
Studied Physiotherapy at McGill University and received my BSc in 1980.
Head physiotherapist at Bezirksspital Uster, in Switzerland 1984-1988