Special aspects of osteopathy in research protocols / Symposium B

One of the key conditions and guarantees of teaching and research quality at our Institute is its conformity to the existing educational standards. Thus, a diploma research paper is an important part in training a qualified osteopathic doctor. At the final stage of the training it helps students to structure the acquired knowledge and skills, to get a better understanding of cause-and-effect relationship in functional processes of both healthy and diseased human body and, eventually, to develop osteopathic thinking.
Preparing a diploma research paper in the IOM is divided into several stages: planning (choosing research topic and object, appointing a research advisor), conducting an examination, writing a research paper, supervising its course as well as preliminary presentation prior to graduation.
Osteopathic status of an individual is a key element of the body functional state, for it reflects the structural and functional integrity of body systems.
One important requirement for the diploma research paper is to justify the efficiency of the osteopathic treatment in terms of evidence-based medicine. To do it, we use multivariate statistics methods: multiple correlation analysis, cluster analysis, as well as factorial (by main components) and discriminant analysis.
The cluster analysis helps to assess functional interconnection between osteopathic status indicators and other body systems, thus reflecting the structural and functional integrity of the body. Intercorrelation between osteopathic status indicators allows registering the leading factors. The cluster analysis has the same goal. By means of factorial analysis, we can evaluate the role of each body system, especially that of osteopathic indicators, in the inner structure of the organism’s functional state. It helps to prove the importance of the osteopathic status in the global health assessment and to evaluate the treatment efficiency.

Doctor Honoris Causa
- pediatric neurologist since 1989;
- DO since 1999;
- teacher at the Institute of Osteopathic Medicine since 2000, Head of the Institute since 2005;
- 2003: master's thesis titled “Hypertension-hydrocephalus syndrome in infants during first three months of life”;
- 2006: first prize of the European Federation of Osteopaths for carrying out scientific research in osteopathy;
- 2008: doctoral thesis titled “Somatic dysfunctions in early infants”;
- Head of the Department of Rehabilitation medicine and Osteopathy at Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University;
- authored over 100 scientific works including “Principles of Osteopathy”, (co-authored, 2003), the Russian Health Ministry guidelines “Osteopathy” (co-authored, 2003), "Basics of cranial osteopathy" (2005), "Lectures on cranial osteopathy" (2007), "Osteopathy in obstetrics and pediatrics" (2008); 2 patents of the Russian Federation
- has led a number of workshops on pediatrics in osteopathy (Germany, France, Russia);
- member of the American Academy of Osteopathy, World Osteopathic Health Organization (WOНO), United National Register of Osteopaths (ENRO) of Russia.