Centro Studi di Osteopatia Italiano
Teaching language(s)
Programme Type
Type 1, Type 2
Maximum Number of Exchange Students
Exchange Dates Winter
29th October to 22nd February
Exchange Dates Summer
4th March to 21st July
Currently Accepting Exchange Students
School Overview
Osteopathy taught to C.S.d.O.I. is expression of the highest classical osteopathy and is founded on the confluence of different currents of osteopathy. Our study programs are developed in cooperation with other associations (R.O.I.) of osteopathic training and integrated with the medical culture. Forming the knowledge and developing appropriate professional skills for osteopaths. In this sense, the attention will be put on the "know-how", about the application of the principles and techniques of traditional Osteopathy. By the Year 2016-17 training will take place according to the New Order in Five-Year Cycle, as provided by the World Health Organization (Benckmarks for training in traditional / complementary and alternative medicine: benchmarks for training in osteopathy - in 2010), in conformity with the lines guides expressed by WHO documents, OIA, FORE, CEN and training criteria set by the ROI - Register of Osteopaths of Italy – to which the school C.S.d.O.I. adheres. The course program sets goals for the professional training of the student. It aims to train competent and professional osteopaths, aware of their skills and their professional limits, able to practice their profession and to interact effectively with other health professionals. The structure includes: • a phase of orientation where students receive the basics notions, • a training phase-consolidation towards the clinical practice, • an integration phase where the notions of theory are integrated with practical applications in a clinical setting • a synthesis phase to consolidate clinical skills. The training course provides the necessary tools to keep on learning, updating and researching in osteopathy: professional development is continually submitted to research, analysis and synthesis of new information.
Student Exchange Coordinator
Veronica Bersan
Student Exchange Coordinator Email