International Congress "Osteopathy BE CAM 1.0"

Internatinal Congress BeCAM 1.0
C.R.O.M.O.N. School of Osteopathy-Rome., S.Os.I. and EDUCAM S.O.I., in collaboration with the ECM Provider A.I.R.O.P. inform you that the International Congress "Osteopathy BE CAM 1.0" is in process of organization.
The event will address the issue of Complementarity of Osteopathy, in particular in the context of the Neuro-Myofascial Model.
"Osteopathy BE CAM 1.0"
17-18 September 2016
Hotel Parco Tirreno Via Aurelia 480, Rome
The event continues and complements the previous experience of the Conferences organized by the Group C.R.O.M.O.N. Ltd. - A.I.R.O.P. - L.U.Me.N.Oli.S., "Osteopathy BE CAM 1.0" is set up as an innovative and unique event of its kind.