Events Calendar

Congress "Mind-Body - Body-Mind" Osteopathy at the Interface
From Thursday 21 April 2016
To Tuesday 26 April 2016
Hits : 1073
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Congress WSO MindBody / Body Mind
Dear Colleagues,
dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
the team of the Vienna School of Osteopathy (WSO) is delighted to invite you to a congress on the exiting topic „MindBody | BodyMind - Osteopathy at the Interface of Body & Mind“, held from 21 to 26 April in Vienna, Austria. This congress aims at bringing together experts from the fields of neurosciences, psychotherapy and osteopathy to shed more light on the various aspects of the topic and to get one step closer to the ideal of a truly “holistic” treatment.
Scientific research of the past decades has been able to confirm A.T. Still’s early theory of the „Triune Man“ and to show more and more clearly how body and mind, closely and inseparable linked, work as a unit. Concepts like the bio-psycho-social model, psycho-neuro-immunology, placebo and nocebo effects, or the embodiment of mental traumas have found their place in mainstream medicine. Now it is about time to put more focus on these issues also in osteopathy. Please find more details in the entire congress programme (see link below):
Please find the entire congress programme under: (4,5 MB)
Date: 21- 26 April 2016
Congress: Parkhotel Schönbrunn, Vienna, Austria
Pre- & Post-Congress Workshops: Vienna School of Osteopathy (WSO)
Organiser: Vienna School of Osteopathy (WSO)
Please register online under
The registration is open from 20 October 2015 to 10 April 2016.
We thank you in advance for passing on this announcement.
We are looking forward to welcome you!
Kind regards!
Your team of the WSO
Location  Parkhotel Schönbrunn, Hietzinger Hauptstraße 10-14, 1130 Wien, Austria
Target group
Congress: The congress is addressed to osteopaths, osteopathic students, physicians, physical therapists, medical students, psychologists and psychotherapists. The participation in some workshops is reserved to osteopaths and osteopathic students.

Pre-Congress Workshop: Osteopaths & osteopathic students from the 1st year onwards.

Post-Congress Workshop: Graduates of an osteopathic education of at least 5 years.