An Osteopathic Postgraduate Course for Women Only 18th - 20th January 2018


Dear colleagues,

during the Milan OsEAN live meeting in November 2015, one of our topics was to evaluate if a school had a significant number of female teachers. The evaluation showed that the absolute majority of osteopathy teachers is male, even more extreme in the structural field, especially for manipulations. However, the evaluation of the student gender turned out to be 50% female. This shows how important it is to provide female teachers, especially for manipulations. We need to help each other to tutor female manipulation teachers.

Therefore FICO decided to organise a course from women for women only. On 18th - 20th January 2018 (Thursday to Saturday), Lucia Pereira teaches a manipulation course for female osteopaths only. Designed for and by female osteopaths. More information about the course is available at:

Please share this invitation with your female assistants & teachers or alumni that have high potential to become assistants, or your alumni that want to learn specific modifications.
FICO is happy to help you with the logistics and provide hospitality.

Let’s grow together!

Kind regards,
Jöry Pauwels